For which services do you pay subscription?

Just doing my marketing research to see what model works best for you. šŸ™‚


Michael Gammon
Slack, Figma, LinkedIn Premium, Expandi
Business Marketing with Nika
@michael_gammon What are your thoughts about X subscription? Is it worth it?
Chad Carlson
Slack, Figma, Loom, MailChimp, Yesware, Twitter, ChatGPT, Google
Youtube, LinkedIn, ChatGPT, Calendly, Dex, Spotify
Business Marketing with Nika
@bahar_ozkan Thanks for sharing the scope of services you support. Currently also considering paying for social media subscription tickers.
only Copilot ;) it just too useful
Igor Lysenko
Hosting for storing files.
Jessica Herman
Youtube, LinkedIn, ChatGPT, Calendly, Dex, Spotify
Poul merry
A vast selection of films, TV series, and music are available for subscription on Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming services.
Daniel Cloths
ChatGPT, Apple iCloud+
Jen Anderson
Canva Pro, Buffer, HiPlay, Zoom, Apple Arcade, New York Times puzzle app
Crystal J
Figma, Canva, Chatgpt šŸ˜ I only pay for useful tools, and never spent money on social media premium
Business Marketing with Nika
@crystal_j Yeah, they are good for productivity. I am considering paying for X Ticker, LinkedIn Premium + Grammarly. :-D
So I'm still counting but I pay for over 30 services online, ouch! I really need to consolidate.
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord Wow! šŸ˜ƒ What is the latest service you subscribed for? šŸ˜‚
@busmark_w_nika My list says, for entertainment Wondrium History Streaming, for a product my Fing Box, and for services, AWS cloud services. I did just find an awesome Notion tracking template for subscriptions and I am trying to get it organized and then automate it with Todoist and IFTTT.
Vivek Karna
Personal subscriptions: Lenny's Newsletter, Netflix, SonyLiv, Hotstar+Disney, Shreyas Super Follow on X, DayOne, iCloud, Youtube, Spotify, Audible, Amazon Prime, Mymind, Google Cloud,, Frontend Masters, X Pro Work subscriptions: The usual ones - Google Workspace, AWS, Github, Slack
Business Marketing with Nika
@vivek_karna What makes you pay for creators' accounts? What do you like about them?
Vivek Karna
@busmark_w_nika Signal to Noise ratio. There is so much content out there on internet which takes so much time to consume, analyze, internalize and get insights. With right creators, the ROI is very high, its actually priceless. Some of the insights shared by good creators could be life changing, something that I might not be able to discover myself. Hence, I like to find one or two great creators in areas of my current interest and just consume their content. It has served me really well in last few years
Business Marketing with Nika
@vivek_karna Yeah, there are many good creators so I always have a dilemma about which one should I support.
Vivek Karna
@busmark_w_nika You are right. They are so many good creators. For me the thinking is the same as when you are buying a product. There are so many good options and its impossible to be truly objective about buying A vs B. So, I rely on recommendations by people i trust or if i come across a content which I really like. The other creators might be equally good or maybe even better but with limited time and money, have to make a decision which is part objective and part subjective
Indu Thangamuthu
Linekdin Sales navigator, Canva
Streaming services like Netflix and Spotify.
Swati Parida
Linkedin, Streaming Platform and Chat GPT.
Honestly.. to many. I just cancelled flowdesk and some of my squarespace. Need to really evaluate what Iā€™m using and what Iā€™m not