Exclude some pages from G-Analytics tracking
6 replies
I'm now working on a landing page, which has been published without an index tag to avoid indexing. But, Google Analytics counts my visits every time I open the page.
How to exclude my page from analytics tracking? What if I want to implement the same thing for a number of pages?

Just comment out the tracking code until you are ready to launch.
@simplytedel comment out will affect other pages tracking. it will take some day to complete my page.
@shahinseo I meant comment it out on the pages you do not want to track…
Rereading your question, I think you want to avoid tracking your own visits. Just add an ad blocker to your browser. All of them block Google Analytics.
@simplytedel Does an adblocker disable Google Analytics? I'm already using an adblocker, it didn't worked for me. Could you suggest an adblocker?
@shahinseo Nothing disables Google Analytics. It will continue working. What the adblocker do is to prevent its script from running, and, as a consequence, count your visits.
uBlockOrigin is one of the most recommended ad blockers out there. Try with that one.
@simplytedel Thanks :)