Drowning in emails? I am building an app to tame my inbox, and I need your feedback.

Tej Garikapati
0 replies
Hello PH Community! I've been a long-time lurker here, and I'm finally ready to share an idea I've been working on. As someone constantly drowning in emails, I've tried every productivity hack out there, but nothing has stuck. That's why I'm building a new email app with a Tinder-like swiping interface. The idea is to make triage-ing your inbox quick and intuitive. Swipe right to archive, left to delete, up to reply, etc. It's still in early stages, but I'd love to get your feedback. Does a card-based, gesture-driven email experience sound appealing? What features would convince you to give it a try? If you're interested in being a beta tester, let me know. Can't wait to hear your thoughts! Thanks in advance
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