Dream activity

Domas Sakavickas
6 replies
Happy Monday! Yesterday I finally had a chance to try kiteboarding for the first time. It was a dream for me for a long time. The wind was a bit too strong for a beginner but I managed to stand on the board a few times 😄 What's the thing that you dream of trying?


Kate Ramakaieva
Wow, congrats! I dream to try paddle boarding 😻
Domas Sakavickas
@kate_ramakaieva that's nice. And it's great that you don't have to prepare a lot for this. So hope you will try it soon!
Marvin Mändle
Love to try new things, it's so exciting. Started two years ago with skydiving and love it. This year I want to try wakeboarding, so maybe I will make it one day to kiteboarding as well. I think it's fun and can imagine that the wind is so powerful!
Ryan Zhang
Domas, your concept of "Dream activity" sounds incredibly intriguing! Can you share more about how it aims to enhance our daily experiences or productivity?