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Domas Sakavickas
13 replies
I was away from PH for a few days and now see that the discussion has a "featured" feature. Is that something new or I'm still a noobie here? 😄


Michael Shver
As I understand it, it's just information from Product Hunt's team 🤔
Domas Sakavickas
@michaelshver hmm, interesting. I'm wondering if there are any criteria you should meet to get it. Let's keep an eye on that
Gong Zijian
It's fantastic to see Domas Sakavickas being featured! His innovative approach and dedication to the tech space are truly inspiring.
Alexander Dolton
I also wanted to know
Jenny Wicktor
Having distinctive attributes or aspects of a specified kind.
Ryan Zhang
Absolutely thrilled to see Domas Sakavickas getting the spotlight! His innovative contributions are truly reshaping our understanding of technology.
Rupal Saini
I do think Product Hunt should consider renaming it because I believe the Product Hunt community users can't leverage this 'featured' tag, as it's used by PH team for sharing updates and feedback.
Jesse T. Glover
I did'not understand
Ankush Patel
I also wanted to know
Ryan Zhang
Domas Sakavickas, your feature on Product Hunt is truly inspiring! It's great to see innovative minds like yours getting the recognition they deserve.