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  • Do you use X/Twitter for sharing your product journey or building a community?

    Marina K
    31 replies
    What advice would you give to a newbie on a platform? How often and what do you post to connect with like-minded people? Let's connect! https://x.com/marinklokova


    My3 Murthy
    Yes, I have been doing that & I love it. My handle is: @itsmemy3_ (its called Blunders&Breakthroughs).
    Janu Lingeswaran
    Yes (@janubuilds is my name over there) and I absolutely love it. Changed my life. I post twice a day (scheduled tweets) and whenever something happens I want to share immediately. My advice is to engage a loot. Talk with people, have real connections. Be social!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Yes – X helps me to convert more people into subscribers on YouTube or sponsors of newsletter LinkedIn for connecting and receiving feedback :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @marizombie are we connected on LI as well? :) If not, feel free to connect! :)
    Jonathan S
    Depends on your industry, X is great for creative sectors to share their journey.
    Absolutely! The only thing I would recommend to someone new would be to engage everyday for sometime, post at least 3 times a week and most importantly, don't be like others just be yourself. Speak your mind out!
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Yes ofc LinkedIn is a bit easier for me to understand, but X is so fun to read.
    Susan R. Pruitt
    I mainly use Twitter for updates rather than building a community. Other platforms work better for fostering deeper connections.
    Marina K
    Generated Photos
    Generated Photos
    @susan_r_pruitt Thank you, Susan. What platforms do you like for building deeper connections?
    Yung ruwala
    I do use Twitter to share updates about my product. It helps me connect with others who are interested in what I'm working on and get feedback .
    Marina K
    Generated Photos
    Generated Photos
    @yung_ruwala Thank you, Yung. Do you share the updates from personal page or from product/company one?
    Lanfranco Iwanaga
    Find Twitter useful for keeping my followers updated on my project. It’s a good platform for sharing milestones.
    Marina K
    Generated Photos
    Generated Photos
    @lanfranco_iwanaga Thank you, Lanfranco. Do you prefer to share milestones from personal profile or the project one's?
    Abele Wickware
    Yeah, I post about my product journey on Twitter. It’s a great way to let people know what’s new and to engage with a community of like -minded folks.
    Yashaswini Ippili
    Nope, can anyone tell me if it's actually helpful in reaching a larger organic audience?
    Jay Peterson
    Encourage interaction by asking for feedback or opinions.
    Jhony Srear
    Post consistently, maybe 3-4 times a week, to stay active. Reply to comments and engage with others' posts too.
    Gaby Korablyova
    We are use! Our startup is Layer https://x.com/Layer4you and this is my personal :) https://x.com/GabyKorablyova let's connect!
    Janak Patel
    Hey, Four things: - Engagement, (I use TweeFeed for inspiration and tweak them to speedup) - Helpful content, (I use ContentFeed to have contents that's not generated by LLMs) - Writing Style (It matters in X, the style has to be engaging to make your texts attractive) - Follow people (Make sure they also follow you back if they're not celebrities :) X algorithm promotes user's content who has less or similar ratio Following: Follower If you use proper tools and techniques, you ace the game easily. Let's connect on X : https://x.com/Janak_2804
    Marina K
    Generated Photos
    Generated Photos
    @janak_patel56 Thank you, Janak! Connected! How do you make sure people follow you back?
    Janak Patel
    @marizombie Three things: 1. You follow active accounts only, 2. They should have almost the same following: follower ratio. So you do not get trapped in ambitious people followers list who want only to get followed not the other way around. 3. Make sure you have a good, trustworthy bio, and pic so people understand you're genuine and follow you back.