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  • Do you think education is the only way to success?

    Ghulam Abbas
    21 replies


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I think experience is crucial. If you mean education given by school – no..
    Jose Rodríguez
    Being educated is important, but experience is much important. You can educate yourself online
    Of course not. But the importance of education is self-evident
    Jao Japitana
    Continuous learning is a better way to put it. Youy can have all the degrees you can get but if you don't conitnuously improve and learn what's new, you get left behind and hence other overtake you in being successful
    Milli Sen
    In the future, it’ll be more about what you can do rather than where you’ve graduated from.
    Steven Wilson
    No I think your destiny even matter too :P
    absolutely not, but it depends what career you follow
    No.There is nothing called the only way.
    Veranika Vinichenka
    I think education plays an important role, but not a key one; gaining experience is more important
    No, it needs other factors.
    hussain ashraf
    ls, values, and stren While education can certainly be a crucial factor in achieving success, it's not the only path. Success can be defined in various ways, and different individuals may achieve it through different means. Here are a few points to consider: Skills and Experience: Practical skills, experience, and expertise in a particular field or industry can also contribute significantly to success. Hands-on learning, apprenticeships, and on-the-job training can be invaluable. Networking and Relationships: Building strong professional networks, fostering positive relationships, and having effective communication skills are often as important as formal education. Networking can open doors to opportunities and collaborations. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Many successful individuals have achieved great success through entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity. Taking risks, thinking outside the box, and pursuing new ideas can lead to remarkable achievements. Persistence and Resilience: Success often requires resilience, determination, and the ability to learn from failures and setbacks. Perseverance in the face of challenges can be a key factor in reaching your goals. Continuous Learning: While formal education is valuable, lifelong learning is equally important. Keeping up with industry trends, acquiring new knowledge and skills, and adapting to changes in your field are essential for long-term success. Ultimately, success is a multifaceted concept that can be achieved through a combination of education, skills, experience, networking, creativity, resilience, and continuous learning. It's essential to define what success means to you personally and pursue a path that aligns with your goals, values, and strengths.gths.
    Of course education is not the only one. It's about combining knowledge with passion, hard work, and seizing opportunities along the way.
    Education is the shovel that digs up gems that keep your financial shovel (job, business) sharp so that you keep making time and resources for yourself and your family. Foundational education is key to success in the modern age. Folks with a solid education in any field can last 3-5 generations of industry changes. I attribute my professional success: 12 tech books published by major publishers of the world with millions of copies sold in seven languages, 3x tech company co-founder, and still being a player in the market to my deep foundational knowledge in computer science and engineering thanks to a fantastic group of teachers throughout my entire life. I highly value formal education up to MS degree level. Ph.D is only suitable for folks who want to research the rest of their lives. MS is good enough to learn all the learning tricks and continue your self-learning without going to school forever. Self-learning from a young age through online resources may be tempting, but you are likely to cherry-pick what you like to learn instead of what you need to learn. So I am keeping my kids in formal structure. Anyone who thinks getting a US Berkeley or Stanford degree is a waste of time can continue to live in their reality, which might fit them. Everybody has a different approach, and I recognize and respect that.
    In my view, a good education serves as a stepping stone, but the true key to success may lie in continuous practice. It involves accumulating real-world experience and a deeper understanding of the world, ultimately leading to the creation of something valuable.
    PixelFree Studio
    PixelFree Studio
    nope, it is simply one way
    Juan Manuel Dato
    The idea of the most experienced is the medieval man working for his lord, the idea of the most genial is the kid who survived selling the silicom-trash of society... But the most educated they are the people who would create a society without lords or benefits in the trash.
    Kathleen Edwards
    No, I do not believe that the only path to success is through education.
    aimaz arain
    Yes ofcourse 100% education is the only way to get success in respected manners
    Sharon Reynolds
    It's not the only way, for sure, but it's an important one. I think education is not only about getting a diploma but about making connections and developing skills such as problem-solving, time management, teamwork, and so on. Of course, it's possible to get a good job without a diploma, but it's not my way. I'm a full-time student and have never regretted that decision. Of course, it's so hard from time to time to study, but it's worth it. Besides, there are a lot of useful resources that can help out greatly. The last one I'd found was this one https://papersowl.com/blog/business-research-paper-topics, which provided me with different business research topics which helped me to finish my task. I used similar sites before, but this one was really helpful, and I think it inspired me a lot. And it's one of the next benefits of being a student - you always find a way out of hard situations and find something useful.
    Ella Reid
    Education is certainly one of the most important pathways to success, but it's not the only way. While a strong education provides knowledge, skills, and opportunities, personal qualities like determination, creativity, and networking also play key roles. Many successful individuals have achieved great things through experience, self-learning, and passion. Success is often a blend of formal education and practical life experiences that teach invaluable lessons beyond the classroom. For example, students awaiting their 11 year result 2024 roll number may be anxious about the outcomes, but it's important to remember that success is not solely defined by grades—it's about continuous growth and learning from every experience.