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  • Do you prepare a strategy or create one from scratch for your Product Hunt launch?

    Vlad Zivkovic
    42 replies
    Hello, Product Hunters! How much time do you invest in preparing for your launch? Do you formulate your own strategy, or do you follow an existing one?


    Hashir Ahmed
    100%!!! Well-crafted strategy is crucial for a successful Product Hunt launch. 1. Understand the community, set clear goals, and create a compelling story around your product. 2. Build relationships with influencers and potential users, generate anticipation, and leverage your network for support. 3. Engage actively during the launch, responding to comments and participating in discussions. Remember, it's not just about one day....it's an opportunity for feedback and growth.
    I find it best to approach the launch with a strategy, we are launching soon and we've spent close to 4 odd weeks in building the data of an ideal ICP, places to distribute our launch and activate our early adaptor data base. Social media strategies etc. I would say a mix of what's existing and our own.
    Justin Macorin
    I think it depends on the goal. From my understanding, the primary goal is visibility, learning and feedback within product hunt... And the only way to get visible is for people to click on the upvote button, and the only way for people to click on the upvote button is to have a product people love. I'd focus on creating value and something people love. There are A LOT of distribution channels - Product Hunt is only one of them. I think that spending time on analytics is pretty important! To understand how people use the product.
    @macorin 100% agree, its very easy to get distracted by the billion distribution channels and "making noise". I believe making a good product which adds value to the customer should be a priority when launching. People talk, especially about things they like
    Apollon Latsoudis
    I concur with most of esteemed Producthunters in relation to time and effort required for the Product Punt. Taking time to formulate a strategy is important as this community grants you the chance to review real life launches and examine the reactions, messaging, follow up community discussions and opinions. Understanding the community may require time before starting launch preparations and thus engaging or reviewing discussions and product launches is essential. Therefore I believe that a 2 month period is enough to set up your launch package, adjust your messaging, visibly expose your products strengths and traits and prepare a customer journey.
    Julien Fayad
    first time for me, given I have a bunch of products I would like to launch after the first one, I'm taking some extra time to identify the key tasks to perform before launching and making sure I nail them down. In short, what I initially thought would be a quick todo, ends up taking up a lot of my focus but I feel I'm learning a lot in the process and defining a clear strategy to better leverage PH seems to be the way to go
    Vlad Zivkovic
    @julien_fayad Yeah it takes time, you come with an idea, but than everything changes when you realize how much effort is required to have proper launch.
    Hazel Lim
    Reading through the comments I am feeling like a kitten in a room full of Rockweilers. Mine is scheduled for tomorrow and I have done about 3 days worth of launch plan? Help!
    Vlad Zivkovic
    @byhazellim No worries, nothing wrong about it. I almost did the same but than I canceled my launch due to some legal reasons. that cancelation was a miracle because I realized how much effort founders and marketers invest to prepare for the launch. You can learn and relaunch in 6 months.
    Carmela Padasas
    Good to formulate, products purposes and use cases even target users are different also its good to dicover what works for you
    Carmela Padasas
    But not bad to try and test what worked for others
    Vlad Zivkovic
    @carmela_padasas Yes, it's also important to prepare customer journey and onboarding process.
    Launching soon!
    Yes, it typically takes us 2-3 weeks to prepare for a launch, and during this time, we follow an existing strategy that we have found to be effective. We are currently focused on refining our strategy and learning from the mistakes we have encountered in previous launches. Our aim is to ensure that our project is pixel-perfect and functions flawlessly. We are committed to delivering the best possible product to everyone involved. With continuous effort and improvement, we are confident that this launch will be a success😊
    Richa Sharma
    The strategy should be more about how you'll be distributing your launch announcement. Based on your goals, you can decide the day to launch. Here are a few things to keep in mind: Friday to Sunday - low competition but low traffic too Monday to Tuesday - comparatively lower competition, but this fluctuates Wednesday to Thursday - high competition, high traffic Remember, Product Hunt is a community of makers, hunters, and supporters. If you can't return the support, don't expect it from anyone. Keep it fair, and you'll be astonished at how much this community can give you! Some communities & channels that helped Upscale's launch are here: Here are the WhatsApp groups you can join: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FBITt3... https://chat.whatsapp.com/FHawvg... https://links.heyumar.com/PHFamily LinkedIn groups: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/... https://www.linkedin.com/groups/... https://www.linkedin.com/groups/... https://www.linkedin.com/groups/... https://www.linkedin.com/groups/... https://www.linkedin.com/groups/... https://www.linkedin.com/groups/... Facebook Groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... https://www.facebook.com/groups/... Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Product... https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/ https://www.reddit.com/r/SidePro... Daniel Baum's support sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsh...
    I believe in a hybrid approach! We have our strategy and we have many conversations with founders who just launch a successful product on PH. What about time? We have 3 people who work full-time on the launch!
    Karol Andruszków
    You should definitely approach the launch with the right strategy. When the goal is to gain visibility, new users, and feedback, you need the support of the community, and for a good kickstarter it's good to have some community built beforehand, and this requires time to nurture, prepare the messages and spread them, etc. We have also been preparing our platform for months to ensure that all the features we would look for in a website builder would be added before our first launch.
    Melisa Jayne
    I keep experimenting to figure out what works
    Manab Boruah
    I created my strategy, but thanks to you, you showed how It's done smartly—delayed gratitude for your help during our launch Vladimir.
    Vlad Zivkovic
    @manab_boruah Always happy to help as much as I can to fellow founders!
    Aditya Kaushik
    I think you will have to device your own strategy. The way to do it is to observe other launches and see what they did right and how you can apply them for your launches. At the end of the day each launch is unique and what works for one may not work for the other.
    Aditya Kaushik
    @vladimir_zivkovic yes there is a lot to learn from other people's launches. The thing is, the more you learn, the better you get so obviously you should try and keep learning. If it feels overwhelming, I think just make a summary of whatever you learnt, try it out and see what happens. Because you can definitely keep launching again and again till you get better at it!
    Vlad Zivkovic
    @adityakaushik38 But there is a lot to learn from other people launches.
    Renat Abyasov
    Cool theme! Right now, we are developing a strategy for launching our product. We started two months before the launch by setting the KPI to run. And we also started checking and warming up our websites and third-party platforms where we communicate with customers.
    Vlad Zivkovic
    @renat_abyasov Great strategy! That's a really good preparation.
    We had not launched on Product Hunt before, so we took inspiration and guidance from the community and other successful launches. Let's see if we get it right the first time!
    Richa Sharma
    @nicola_hudson1 Distribution of the announcement is crucial. Stay consistent and keep the PH community engaged with your launch. That's an important takeaway from our recent launch.
    Bedford West
    A little of both! At Cultiveit, we've definitely spent some time preparing for launch. We've had a few meetings, put together a few brainstorming docs, and come up with a plan for engagement. Our overall product strategy hasn't changed much for Product Hunt specifically, but we are definitely using it to inform our strategy moving forward!
    There are a few best practices to follow: 1. Prepare for your Product Hunt launch 4-6 weeks ahead. 2. Build a list of allies who can amplify your launch. 3. Create on good launch assets and copy.