Do you prefer the flexibility of working remotely or working in an office?

Balkrishna Karma
9 replies
For me, it's definitely remote work. The flexible schedule and work from the comfort of my own home, help me to feel more productive and balanced. Which one do you prefer? Share in the comment


Kabir Haynes
Work from office. I can't live without having chit chat with my colleagues.
absolutely remote work! more efficient and more save money
I feel more productive in the office but i still like a good remote day as well. I'm writing this from my bed fyi😅
David Cagigas
Flexibility is always better. A lot more opportunities are opened up.
Margaret Lee
Hybrid -- the best of both worlds! Love the flexibility of remote but some of my best discussions happen in-person in the office.
Sariah Mansoor
Remote work for sure. Helps save time to spend with friends and family and to work on my hobbies.