Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone?

Ghulam Abbas
99 replies


Ghulam Abbas
I prefer texting!
Nicola Lanzilotto
It depends on the situation, but I generally prefer talking on the phone.
Business Marketing with Nika
texting :D every time someone wants to talk with me (especially without scheduling) –> I am anxious :D I try to share my telephone number as little as possible.
Domas Sakavickas
Depends on the situation. I don't mind calling, usually, things are solved faster that way. But if I need to agree on something important, I like to have an email conversation, as I can always get back and check all the details. What about you?
Daniel Burns
Texting definitely. It's just way more efficient However, if I need to convince a certain person, it's gotta be done through a phone call😄
Ahmer Saud
I prefer none.
So yes, texting will always be there. Its a proven solution for all. That is why outbound texting marketing works dont you think? So imaging you could outreach via WhatsApp? Do you smell more conversions?
Avital Trifsik
Texting for sure!
Sadath N
It depends on the situation. Both texting and talking on the phone have their advantages, and I choose the method that fits the context best.
Ryan Zhang
Launching soon!
I personally prefer texting, as it allows me the flexibility to respond on my own time and think through my responses. However, I do appreciate the immediacy and emotional connection that talking on the phone can offer.
David Popescu
I think talking on the phone is more efficient, you get things done way faster compared to texting.
Darren Chen
Texting often, talking occasionally.
Hussein Hashish
texting for short conversations, and talking to make sure Im avoiding long text conversations lol
Jeremy Kaur
I personally prefer texting because it allows me to carefully craft my responses and manage conversations at my own pace. However, I do appreciate the immediacy and emotional nuance that talking on the phone offers for more urgent or meaningful discussions.
Boris Markarian
I prefer both, it depends on the situation, actually
candy brielle
@abbas143official You are very famous in Product Hunt I have heard your name from several of my friends
texting, talking most of times working bad
Depends on the circumstances and the person I'm communicating with. As per my professional experience, certain folks in senior management tend to be very busy and most likely receive a barrage of messages - so quite often they may unintentionally overlook your message - so its always safer to call the person, if he/she has not responded. In personal life, among friends and family the approach is very different
Satish Vadivelu
If it's something quick, definetely texting. But if it's a long discussion, I prefer talking over the phone, better yet talking in person!