Do you know that having a content calendar will help you not lack content ideas?
Esther Olanma Shedrach
2 replies
Ever since I started creating my content calendar, I've not run out of content.
I can wake up now and write my content for today because;
1) I have my headline ready.
2) I have the purpose of my content which serves as my direction.
3) I have my content format, so I don't have to bother about pictures to use and the rest.
4) I have my CTA ready.
These things make writing easy for me and also help me not to write outside my niche.
I want to create a content calendar for 5 people.
It will be a content calendar for 30 days and I will add a content bank with 20 topics as a bonus.
All these are for $50.
Who is taking the first slot?
Do you also use content calendar?
julie accaro@julieaccaro
Totally agree with you! A content calendar has been a game-changer for me too. It's so much easier to create content when you have a plan in place. Plus, no more last-minute panic attacks trying to come up with something to post π Keep up the good work!