Do you journal or transcribe your stream of consciousness in anyway?

Mehran Najafi
2 replies
About 10 years ago I came across this book called 'The Artist's Way' and one of the main practices in it is to channel 3-pages of your stream of consciousness (without judgement of its value) in writing every morning before you do anything else. I've more or less kept this tradition over the years and would swear by it given the benefits it has brought for me. Curious do you journal or something to that effect? If so how has it helped you. If not, do you dedicate any time during the day for self reflection?


I read about it and I have recently began journaling daily, but I have kept a small private document for year that I use for mental self-exploration. It is not the same, but it serves a similar purpose to what you described. Besides that, I keep a to-do list with several categories and subcategories, and I sometimes create a mind map as well, specially for specific projects.
Mehran Najafi
@simplytedel 'mental self-exploration' love how you put it like that! I hope the daily journaling is serving you in ways other things don't. It really feels like it compounds where it gives more and more in the long run.