Do you have your favorite time frames for work?

I usually have between 7 AM – 11 AM and 6 PM – 11 PM. I am less disturbed by notifications from other people so I can fully distribute my energy to the work. P.S.: weekends are also good for work. (:


For me it depends on what I'm doing. Sometimes I'm hit by a production bug that forces me to stay up the entire night fixing it. on other days it's roughly from 8 am to 2 am.
Business Marketing with Nika
@zignis That's your luck! I am on social media because it is kind of my job (or addiction?) :D anyway, it is nothing better than not to be disrupted by notifications and people yelling how to do your job :DD
Business Marketing with Nika
@zignis The thing is that if you work in times that other people usually do not, so you can be less distracted by them :D
@busmark_w_nika that's right, but i live alone and work alone 😃 and I'm hardly on anything like Snapchat or Instagram
Sadath N
10 PM - 5 AM --- No distractions at all.
Sadath N
@busmark_w_nika not exactly. i prefer to work on night. no distractions, full concentration. morning i will be doing my office work.
Business Marketing with Nika
@sadath_n do you have any sleep? When do you sleep then? :D
Sadath N
@busmark_w_nika 5-10 is the sleep interval. after that office work then workout at night. then ill be working on my stuff at night😊
Priyanka Saini
From 12 PM to 5 PM and 10 PM to 4 AM. As a creative person/designer, my mind works best during late nights or early mornings around 10 PM to 4 AM, when there's no one around to disturb me. There are no social media distractions or notifications, and everyone in the family is asleep.
Business Marketing with Nika
@priyanka27 what creatives do you do? Have you got any portfolio/website?
Paolo Go
For me, it's the beginning of the afternoon until evening. In the morning I just need to chill out.
Paolo Go
@busmark_w_nika Oftentimes :) But I think it's quite a common issue here, I see many nocturnals
9 AM – 13 AM and 3 PM – 7 PM
Business Marketing with Nika
@fredweb do you have a late lunch? :D How is it to work hangry?
@busmark_w_nika That's not an issue :D
Business Marketing with Nika
@fredweb For me it is :D because I respond very aggressively to emails :D
Business Marketing with Nika
@cameronscully_ are you a morning person? 👀 It has to be really hard to wake up at alarm clock or?
That sounds like a solid schedule, Nika. Having focused time frames can really help maximize productivity. I also find early mornings and late evenings to be quite productive for deep work.
Business Marketing with Nika
@priyankamandal How do you handle those times when you would rather procrastinate?
André J
Launching soon!
😸 Wow you work 27/9 😵‍💫 What planet do you live on? 🪐
Business Marketing with Nika
@sentry_co Sol III but the subject shows signs of an alien. 🫠👽 nobody knows.
Justine Che Romero
First 4-5 hours after I wake up
Business Marketing with Nika
@justfizzbuzz Nice! When do you usually wake up?
Justine Che Romero
@busmark_w_nika it varies 😅 but for most days it's around 10am
Business Marketing with Nika
@justfizzbuzz It is a time long ago when I woke up like this :D
Bob WIlsey
mornings are the best time for productivity
Business Marketing with Nika
@alex_cortenix Aren't you exhausted? I mean... isn't your energy level at the bottom at night for work?
@busmark_w_nika For me, I've found that my best work happens late at night. I know it might sound a bit odd, especially when most people are winding down. But that's the beauty of individuality, we all have our unique patterns and rhythms. So, while my day might be filled with gathering ideas, it's the peace of the night that really allows me to dive in and bring those ideas to life. But hey, that's just me! Everyone has their own favorite time to work and there's no one-size-fits-all.
Indu Thangamuthu
👀 Only when the need arises 😂
Business Marketing with Nika
@indu_thangamuthu that sound like you can work anytime and only if you want :D
Indu Thangamuthu
@busmark_w_nika It's mostly the second point.... 🤪 Or also means... 24x7 😥
11 AM- 3 PM and 9 PM - 2 AM somehow that works for me
@busmark_w_nika Around 11am , don't have a very healthy morning or night schedule.
Gurkaran Singh
Sounds like you've found your productivity sweet spots! Having uninterrupted focus time is key. And hey, weekend work sessions can be surprisingly productive too! 🚀
Business Marketing with Nika
@thestarkster Weekend is IMO the best time for work :-)
7 AM – 11 AM, wondering about your sleep time
Chris Liam
9 Am to 4 PM I love this time frame for work. It's perfect for me.
Chris Liam
@busmark_w_nika yeah it does though I am a night person but after I make a shift from night to day it's been really great.
Business Marketing with Nika
@chrisliam Whet it fits you, it is good! :)