Do you gather initial feedback before release or after?

Ksenia Goron
0 replies
I've been discussing with my colleagues whether it's better to gather feedback from prospects before or after releasing a landing page for a brand-new solution. On one hand, there's the argument for deploying it to the public as quickly as possible and iterating based on feedback in subsequent versions. On the other hand, if you haven't conducted any user research before launching and your initial landing page is built on surface-level insights and team assumptions, you might end up investing time and resources in an ineffective promotion that can't be easily revamped. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and it's crucial to consider them before starting the creation process of any asset you're going to release. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Have you had any successful examples or perhaps some lessons learned from failures that you could share? I would be grateful for your insights!🤓
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