Do's & Don'ts of social media

❌ DON'TS: – Don't steal images – Don't expect instant results – Don't take haters personally – Don't compare yourself to others ✅ DO'S: – Test any try new things – Create content for your ideal customer – Be consistent and post regularly – Build relationships and engage with your followers By the way, now, you can find me also on BlueSkye: Get in touch!


Said Aitmbarek
thanks for sharing, consistency is key indeed
Zekiye Nur Kesici
Thank you for these tips!
Nuno Reis
Consistency and carving your own path are key. Looking at others is only useful for learning from their success or failure, always remember that if you're going for comparison, you're comparing to what they show not what they are, and people tend to show only their best.
Business Marketing with Nika
@nuno_ms_reis Definitely. The whole life is not about beautiful Instagram pics with filters. Good point!
Hossein Yazdi
Thank you for sharing helpful tips as always!
- Be consistent, it will take time to grow - Don't let others down to grow yourself
Business Marketing with Nika
@yash_gandhi4 The second point is very important. I used also put myself down because I was afraid of what other people may be thinking about me.
Uğur Kellecioğlu
Hey Nika, thank you for sharing. I completely agree with you. Building a successful social media presence is difficult, and your points are spot on :) Personally, I need to work on improving my consistency
Business Marketing with Nika
@ugurkellecioglu What social media are you using for creating community and presence?
Todd Jensen
Don’t compare yourself - true! I do find it’s helpful to have some aspirational accounts that you strive to match and learn from.
Business Marketing with Nika
@toducate Agree, Todd. Most of our behavior and even actions are learned from our surroundings. We need to have some patterns, but we subsequently modify them according to our formed values.
Great list Nika! I'll just drop another don't right here: - Don't engage in pointless discussions, they can really hurt your reputation!