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  • Crafting user survey

    4 replies
    Making a survey that's engaging is hard but its a must-do step for gathering user insights. Would love to know if you have any tips on the types of questions to ask, or how to make sure you get honest and useful responses?


    André J
    No-one sane will answer user surveys. Use google analytics to get real feedback from real usage, automatically 24/7
    André J
    @jc_mindverse Apple doesn't think so. They never use user surveys, focus groups etc. Food for though: "Customers don't know what they want. Throughout his career, Steve Jobs famously eschewed market research and relied on his intuition"
    @eonpilot Thanks for your input! But I still think user surveys are very important for product development to gather as much as we can from the users, especially in early stage development.
    Kisson Lin
    Traditional survey tools have very low conversion. But that's not because users don't want to share feedback, rather because they aren't reached at the right time and with easier path to submit feedback. The best survey is done in product, with google analytics or any creative ideas to collect feedback. AI can be useful in redefining user feedback experience!