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  • Business Networking Mistakes and How to Avoid Them?

    Caner Lenger
    8 replies
    There are huge mistakes we all make when building business networking. I have listed a few of my experiences below. I would appreciate it if you could share your views to establish healthier and long-term relationships. > Only Self-promoting > Confusing networking with face-to-face cold calling > Abusing the relationship > Just focusing on getting clients, missed opportunities for "Connection" > They are trying to sell products right after connecting


    morgo port
    It seems to me that the biggest mistake is not to use marketing services, because with the help of marketing services you can find a good audience and make your business attractive to customers. I recently read an article about how important marketing is, I advise you to read https://mediaonemarketing.com.sg...
    Caner Lenger
    @morgo_port The topic is related with business networking. There is no marketing concerns while making business network, should not be.
    Nico Spijker
    > Never following up or engaging with the person after connecting. Little added value to each others' network, why reach out in the first place?
    Caner Lenger
    @nicolaas_spijker That's exactly. People should know. The first rule is of Business networking: "You cannot benefit from the others without creating added value for them."
    Nico Spijker
    @caner_lenger That! But also loads of LinkedIn requests (for example) where there is no note with the connection + no message once connecting. I always wonder, what's the reason for connecting if no engagement through DMs or interactions on user-generated content happens? πŸ˜…
    Caner Lenger
    @nicolaas_spijker haha. To increase connection count πŸ˜„ Btw, i couldn't find your linkedin profile πŸ˜… I gonna send a connection request with PM! πŸ˜ƒ
    Andrew James Bagby
    Spammy messages or just too much contact in general, especially for things unrelated to my job title
    Caner Lenger
    Thanks @andrew_bagby .That's an another important point. They are not real business networker, it seems just for sales..