Bitcoin is rising again. Do you think the dollar might be replaced by crypto in the future?

Giacomo Bretel-De Simone
5 replies


Ruben Boonzaaijer
No shot. I think crypto's downsides are bigger than it's upsides, so it will never take over
Giacomo Bretel-De Simone
@ruben_boonz Interesting take. Mind detailing the downsides and upsides?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
@french_ninja I think crypto has shown to be very dangerous in terms of big scams. I think this will get regulated more, but probably by limiting the freedom we have now with crypto. That's why I don't see it as a good long-term option for investing. Not even speaking about giving criminals a tool to keep them in business and make their lives easier.
Giacomo Bretel-De Simone
@ruben_boonz interesting argument. There have indeed been a lot of scams in crypto, but it's a brand-new sector that needs to mature. Plus, more and more qualified, honest people are entering the field which contributes to improving the quality of what's developed there. Interestingly, cash is way more used by criminals than crypto: Crypto is 100% transparent and traceable, cash isn't.
Migu Rico
I guess that Bitcoin will replace stocks but not fiat money.