Best way to kick off a productive working day?

Darya Antonyuk
25 replies
For me, it's allowing myself to indulge in a cup of coffee while watching some TV series or YouTube videos, you?


Lera Shulga
For me, it's waking up early (6-7 a.m.) and going for a walk. No gadgets, just my thoughts and plans for the day:)
Darya Antonyuk
@shulga_lera that's awesome! I wish I could wake up that early!
It's best to start the day by checking out Product Hunt)))
Darya Antonyuk
@alex_egorov totally agreed! I do the same all the time!
Sara jalildokhti
doing some meditation and yoga! after that a nice cup of coffee
Darya Antonyuk
@sara_jalildokhti sounds like a very nice morning! tried yoga, but couldn't make myself doing it on a regular basis. Do you watch some online videos with workouts?
Sara jalildokhti
@darya_antonyuk i had the same experience but since i discovered my favorite style of yoga i can't let it go! simply search for different type of yoga classes on youtube and find your favorite! mine is iyengar yoga which mainy focuses on strength.
Darya Antonyuk
@sara_jalildokhti awesome, thank you! I'll check it out!
Prem Saini
Launching soon!
I need to move my body in the morning, i feel once i workout i can kick start my day off
Darya Antonyuk
@prem_saini1 awesome strategy! though sometimes I feel like I've lost too much energy if I work out in the morning. Don't you have such problems?
Erkin Bek
The main thing is to start in the morning and start doing important and challenging tasks. But I rarely do that myself )
Darya Antonyuk
@erkin_bek yeaaaah, very hard to make myself do that right from the beginning
Elena Tsemirava
For me it's a tasty breakfast and a cup of coffee.
Darya Antonyuk
@elenat love it! my fav breakfast is eggs, avocado, and a toast
Drew "Sales Playbook Builder" Williams
Big glass of water, breakfast with my partner and son. Then eliptical workout.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Almost the same: a cup of strong tee, reading the news and watching some YouTube.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
@darya_antonyuk I see different auto channels and video game news. Purely for relaxation and nothing for work.
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
No phone before breakfast + sport exercises for 30 mins before work
Darya Antonyuk
@evgeny_kotelevskiy wow, no phone sounds almost impossible for me... sounds like something worth trying
Naoto Shibata
Drink a cup of coffee while reading product hunt! It motivate me
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