Best Practices for Email Outreach to Rally Support on Product Hunt?

Rene Bystron
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Hey Product Hunters! 🚀 I'm prepping for our upcoming launch on Product Hunt and brainstorming the best way to engage our email list to support us. I'm curious, how do you all craft your emails to get your community excited and involved in your Product Hunt launch? Especially curious about: Tone and language that works best. Tips on encouraging people to click "Notify Me" and support us on launch day. Also, tossing around the idea of offering prizes for those who support us by clicking "Notify Me" – is that too over the top, or just the right touch of fun? Trying to avoid anything cringey while keeping it creative. Would love to hear your strategies, suggestions, or any examples of how you've successfully activated your community through email for a Product Hunt launch! Thanks in advance for your insights! ✨
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