Besides Product Hunt, how were you able to find your first users and collect feedback?

Cameron Howe
4 replies
Curious how everyone acquired their first 100, 500, 1000+ users? What inorganic ways did you resort to to get people using your product?


Philip Snyder
Twitter, Email, LinkedIn. Bring people in for an MVP and see how they use the product.
Cameron Howe
@philipsnyder so cold outreach to your network and look for bites? Or targeted outreach to people you think would use it?
Philip Snyder
@cameron_howe1 Both - well - I start with personal then move to cold. Getting intros from personal network is nice
Oscar Wehbe
Friends and family mostly. They're a good base because if they don't want to refer your product than you have a real problem you need to fix. Obviously this is more relevant for a D2C product.