Are you using Google Alerts?

Jakob Engelhardt
7 replies
If so, why? :) or which alternative product do you use?


Is it essential for everyone??
Marvin Mändle
Just tried it for a while. To get insights and new articles about HR. Worked really good.
Jakob Engelhardt
@marvin_maendle nice! What exactly worked really good? Simplicity of setup or the actual results?
Marvin Mändle
@jakob_engelhardt1 The simplicity of the setup was great and the results have been ok. But I mean in an internet full of that much information, there is always a lot of trash.
Maria Polesh
yes, to gauge and comprehend organic interest in my site by receiving alerts on relevant mentions and discussions
Jakob Engelhardt
@maria_polesh nice! what is your experience of the quality of the results so far?