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  • Are you team Build in Public or team Stealth mode?

    14 replies
    Would you rather share all your journey in public or lay low until your product is ready?


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I am something between, but more into build-in public because when you show up, you have extra content and people know what happens. (and can give you feedback along the way)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @toni_pm how many buildinpublic posts do you make on social media (frequency)? :) I think I should post more :D
    @busmark_w_nika same here. Into sharing as much relevant stuff as possible. To get insights and feedback to grow faster (even if it hurts sometime !!)
    @busmark_w_nika I feel I m not sharing often enough too. I would say once a week a post about the journey would be the minimum.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @toni_pm yep, I agree that more would be better but time is limited :D
    Pablo Roig
    Build in public 100%, we tried to launch at least one time every two weeks, what we are working on
    @pabloroigburgui great ! That s commitment and openness ! Do you also share the struggles and down times ?
    Pablo Roig
    @toni_pm Yes but in a more personal way in our linkedin profiles!
    Nick Zemlyanskiy
    We're building in stealth mode until we really have something to show. It's only once when you can make first impression :)
    @klauss_zee thanks for sharing. How long does it take you to get something to show for ?
    Nick Zemlyanskiy
    @toni_pm Hope we'll get it ready enough in next 6 months
    Building in public is smarter—why launch your product to an audience of crickets? The other benefit of building in public is you'll get faster feedback from a community.
    Tom Bruining
    I think you have to settle somewhere in-between and pick your audience. Early-on we built-in-public, but specifically in early-stage communities. Once we reached a stage of product maturity we started being more open in traditional social media (e.g. LinkedIn) where the expectations of quality are much higher. I do think that if you're trying to build something PLG driven, building in public is a necessity to increase your online profile for SEO, etc.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    Stealth but I think theres a little more value in building in public (to a degree)