Are you resting or working hard this weekend?

Vlad Zivkovic
20 replies
Product Hunters shere your weekend working or resting plan!


Uğur Kellecioğlu
I have been working on weekends for a few weeks now...:( I know it's not ideal but it's the only time I can fully focus on my product
Aditya Narayan Rai
Working i guess. 😐
Leonid Mikhalev
I wanted to work, but feel badly, so I guess resting
Manab Boruah
The fact that I am commenting on a Saturday afternoon proves that I am sweating it out this weekend.
Nuno Reis
Wanted to rest but I guess work is getting in the way of that xD who else?
Said Aitmbarek
working on my startup's product this weekend and preparing the two next bog issues
Haha unofficially working, for working professionals
Hossein Yazdi
@yash_gandhi4 Me too, unofficially working 7 days a week :) Btw, congrats in advance for your upcoming launch! Just hit the 'Notified Me' button! I'm also launching soon! What date is your launch? If you're interested, don't miss the AI business name generator I'll be launching on 12th May - ( Let's go together! 🚀
@hosseinyazdi I have scheduled the Launch date one next Monday. It's my first time excited to try. Congrats on your launch too
Hossein Yazdi
@yash_gandhi4 I have the same feeling as yours, kinda nervous but also excited! Wish you all the best! 💯🚀
Gibril Longmene
just from launching my product SongWords
Dave Malicke
Resting! I just launched BlockOff : Calendar Defense. Which was pretty much a years worth of weekends.
Marvin Tunji-ola
Got a product to launch next week and as the engineer, designer and everything of the product, I’ve got a lot to clean up before the launch. So working hard it is for me this weekend.🙂
I am finding balance between doing both.
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Working hard, always 💪 Although I take some time off when I feel my body and mind need to rest, but it doesn't;t matter what day of the week it is.