Are you evaluating to build MVP?

Chirag Dodiya
4 replies
Recently, there's been a lot of post regarding the capabilities of bubble as a platform. As someone who has been developing on bubble for the past couple of years for myself and clients. It's pretty amazing to see where its reached now. Looking forward to answer any questions you may have regarding bubble. I came across this amazing post recently that pretty much sums it all up. Link to article - It answers the following questions: - What is bubble? - What is Bubble’s core value proposition? - How much does it cost? - What can you build on Bubble? - For which use cases does Bubble make sense? - What are its strengths? - What are the limitations? - What is the learning curve of Bubble? - Can teams operate a Bubble app? - Is it secure? - Is it scalable? - Does it work in all verticals? - Who owns it and is it popular? - What are the alternatives?


Gaël de Mondragon
I'm USING bubble to build a product that I'm still validating, and launching here later this week:
Nacho Franchini
Started using bubble a few weeks ago. Still need to go through. Willing to become better at it very soon