Apart from Product Hunt, on which other platforms do you discuss your problems?

I know it strongly depends on the problem you are trying to solve so you probably search for related niché groups. (e.g. programmers visit StackOverflow) Where do you often go for a piece of advice? For me, those are: Reddit Quora Certain Facebook groups Certain Discord groups ChatGPT – yeah, sometimes I try to ask ChatGPT 😃 What else?


you can try indie hackers and hacker news
Jose Rodríguez
For my tech problems i use linux forums, for general Reddit
Business Marketing with Nika
@stan8086 Good to know. :) Have never had Linux so probably that's the reason why I haven't heard about the specific community. + I forgot to say, that some Slack communities are cool as well :)
I probably DM some people I know. Have been easier that way.
Marvin Mändle
WhatsApp and DMs. Sometimes Slack communities. I think to know a person is sometimes better because you can trust the information.
Business Marketing with Nika
@marvin_maendle I am the opposite :D more groups, less private messages :D something is wrong with me. :D
Marvin Mändle
@busmark_w_nika groups are often so annoying and you get information you don't even need in my opinion. Pure distraction most of the time, but I'm in so many... :D
Savilia Lastero
Quora is best for this purpose, you can ask almost anything and people do reply.
Nermin Zejnilovic
Besides those you wrote, I use Slack groups or Perplexity app to find all information on internet.
I go through all the groups you've mentioned, but I never had success with ChatGPT for this task. It's either borderline wrong or gives general (and vague) answers. But what I mostly try to do is find niche groups where these people tend to hang out a lot.
Business Marketing with Nika
@sreenington agree agree :D I appreciate personal experiences because some scenarios – no way to be created by ChatGPT. Life creates them itself :D
For my case - Stack overflow, chatGPT, Google and niché groups
William Smith
Great point! Finding niche groups relevant to the specific problem can be really helpful. Thanks for sharing your insights county location.
Lisa Hagen
I use Discord communities, and Reddit. I find that the community aspects of Discord help build trust and fosters the openness & safety that allows people to feel comfortable seeking advice.
Business Marketing with Nika
@lisa_hagen Discord! That's one I forgot as well, thanks for reminding me. These days I have been receiving valuable feedback from there. :-)
Elizabeth Green
I often head to Twitter.
For me, I like: GitHub Reddit Indie Hackers Twitter
Igor Lysenko
I know a lot of subreddits where they help with problems of different types. So that's my answer to Reddit.
Wilfred Kasekende
Personally I use Reddit. Thanks for reminding me about Quora.
Rebaika James
I mostly discuss with my seniors, then Google or ChatGPT or even on YouTube
Business Marketing with Nika
@rebaika_james So basically, you are searching for a piece of advice in videos?
Gurkaran Singh
When seeking advice outside of Product Hunt, you'll often find me exploring the wild territories of Reddit, navigating the knowledge seas of Quora, seeking shelter in select Facebook and Discord groups, and occasionally consulting the mystical knowledge oracle known as ChatGPT. Where else do you venture for wisdom in the digital realm?
Boris Markarian
I use Reddit and Telegram. Especially in telegram the community is enormous!
Absolutely, niche groups are key! Besides Product Hunt, I often find valuable insights on Reddit communities related to specific industries or interests door repair. They're great for problem-solving and networking.
I mostly discuss with my seniors, then Google or ChatGPT
i used to discuss on twiiter
Business Marketing with Nika
@imdua And have you received the answers you had been looking for?