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  • AI generated content. Yes or Nah?

    Sveta Bay
    28 replies
    I recently noticed that in most blogs and on big Twitter accounts there's absolutely the same content. The same hooks on Twitter and the same article structure. I find it not interesting, but I see that these blogs (accounts) have a lot of followers. My question is why? What do you think about this content?


    peter v
    its amazing how far these tools have come, i think in another 5 to 10 years what they will be able to do will be incredible
    Adam Andrascik
    Agreed. It’s all very bland. I tried a few of these for marketing emails and they gave me some interesting ideas re: phrasing and structure but I think you still need to rewrite it yourself or it ends up sounding stale.
    Aleksandar Balalovski
    It really depends on the context of the usage. AI is good if you want to automate repetitive work. It would make sense for a copywriter to create the initial drafts by using an AI tool. But to be honest, AI generated content is often emotionless. There is an obvious emotional gap that can be felt just by reading it. And sometimes Google crawlers feel that detachment better than we do on an emotional level, so SEO is also often impaired by the blank generation of content. As I was doing some user interviews with users of Writings, I got to meet owners of copywriting agencies that were using AI tools to identify if some of their employees are using AI tools to generate the content. 🀯 But, as they said, soon they learned to recognize this themselves as there was zero emotional imprint in what these employees were providing as final work.
    Gabe Moronta
    @aleksandar_balalovski I agree completely with you, it all depends, it's not so easy as one size fits all. But completely depends on what you want to accomplish.
    Adam Andrascik
    @aleksandar_balalovski Very interesting points, and hilarious employing Ai to identify itself. Insert spiderman pointing meme.
    Soumya Chaturvedi
    I really feel it depends sometimes on themes... to scale up content needs for marketing teams these tools can be really helpful. The only thing is one needs to utilise it efficiently
    AI generated content is boring. That's why they are all the same. Same goes to some viral tweets, it's like hypefury's template. So many people are using the same template. I found it funny when people tweet - want a free website? Bubble. What? Bubble for newbie? My brain hang by just looking at the blank screen on bubble editor. πŸ˜…
    Fabian Maume
    I think that AI is quite good for repurposing content. I'm personally using Missinglettr to distribute my content on Linkedin and Twitter. QApop also offer some AI tool to repurpose blog post to answer quora question. On the other hand, I don't think it is a good idea to use AI to generate full blog posts. If AI doesn't draw from some existing content it tends to generate really generic text.
    /@fabian @fabian_maume wow! the mentioned apps look decent - will definitely give them a try. Do you use these apps on a constant basis?
    Sveta Bay
    @fabian_maume thanks a lot for sharing apps, I'll check them out! Yeah, agree with you on blog posts.
    Pablo Ignacio
    mmm it depends, it's very useful for copywriters when they need to work on something repetitive, and they can edit it after... but in general I would say "Nah"
    Jasper Ruijs
    Why? Because people are prone to clickbait and the halo effect, we assume that successful people can create meaningful content. I don't interact with unoriginal thinkers and unfollow them on my LinkedIn and Twitter. Instead, I choose to interact with some people who take the time to make something educative, meaningful, and original, like yourself @basv . The algorithm learns from your removal actions so that it will decrease the amount of average level advice over time. Also, most people don't have a well thought content strategy. Either they try to sell or to come across as an expert. If they were prioritizing helping their audience instead of making more dollars, we wouldn't have that problem.
    Animesh Koratana
    The interesting thing to me about AI for marketing is the fact that they're largely based around learning algorithms (ie, taking in large datasets, learning from them and producing outputs based on that knowledge). I think that the AI content standardization effect you mention is similar to the long-observed phenomenon of standardization in design/marketing within industries - where each company's marketing team is looking at the competitors in their industry and is indexing on what performs best, in aggregate this leads to significantly noticeable standardization which makes competitors feel "same-y". The same effect could be at play here but on a higher level - in other words, the AI algorithm taking in more data actually leads it to produce less variation rather than more. In time, as the technology improves this will likely improve.
    Krishna Kumar
    AI generated content is a good starting point and can give you ideas if you understand its limitations. Multiple languages and cultural contexts (including emojis) are still a problem area. What I have personally seen is that both summarization and text generation have these constraints. Image creation while awesome at first looks, has the same limitations along with biological imperfections ( 3 legs, 3 hands, proportions wrong etc.) That said things will keep on improving
    Brenna Donoghue
    Twitter feels more formulaic then ever now with so many of the same hooks.
    Svitlana Bahirian
    I don't think AI intelligence can replace humans at this point in time. I am working on an AI product, but we have been able to see tremendous progress in artificial intelligence, including our product, over several years of work. So I think that in the future, we will see and learn all the advantages of AI.
    Bernard BadΓ³
    AI writers are good to prevent you from staring at a blank page. Nothing less, nothing more.
    Currently, artificial intelligence is not so well developed that the content is 100% valuable.
    Scott Chen
    The fact that AI-generated material isn't entirely unique is a major disadvantage from a content marketing standpoint. The information that content producers simply gather falls inside its boundaries. The text won't contain any unique research, insights, or facts even though it will pass a plagiarism check. In real life, this means that basic writing may be produced by AI-generated content. But it is unable to produce thought-provoking material or exchange viewpoints.
    Apollon Latsoudis
    As many esteemed members already stated, I believe that it depends on the use. Content may be a bit bland and uninspiring yet it eases the workload as it allows you to start with AI generated content and curate at your will. Sometimes the content generated may have the opposite effect-it limits your imagination as it drives you to work with the content suggested. Still I find it a useful tool if utilized property
    Uday Jumle
    In my view, AI generated content can be useful if it is used for specific use cases. As mentioned by a lot of others, AI generated content can lack in emotions, context or may not be optimized for SEO. However, AI generated content is very useful when - You are facing a writer's block and want a place to start from - Create short marketing/sales copies - Generate an outline. Using AI for above mentioned activities can definitely help you and your team in saving a lot of time resulting in increase in productivity. We at https://www.narrato.io have built up an AI writing solution of our own which creates highly personalized and plagiarism free content. Currently we have support for over 20+ AI writing use cases encompassing of outline generation, script generation, copies, etc.