Abstract pictures on a landing

Ivan Makarov
4 replies
Hey guys, what associations come to your mind when you see the picture from the post below? Do you think it is a good idea to have it (or similar) as supporting content on a landing page? https://twitter.com/ivan_mkrv/st...


Aleksandr Smetanka
Well, it could work well on a landing page for tech or analytics services, adding a modern and sophisticated touch as long as it aligns with the page's content and doesn't distract from the main message.
Vova Krasilnikov
I came up with mini motors game from Apple arcade :)
Kate Ramakaieva
I assosiate it with smth complicated 😵
Yulia Belov
The association is a schema of some process. For my own projects, I'm concerned about the lack of organisation and messy appearance of many AI-generated images. I prefer schemas with clear lines schemas.