A quick into to who I am and what I do

Kosala Aravinda
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Hey PH community, Who am I: My name is Kosala (also known as Kosy, Kos, K), and I am the COO of Blockstars Technology based on the Gold Coast in Australia. I started my tech journey in the mid 90's as a VB developer and moved into graphics, and somewhere in the late '90s found myself back in the open-source forums... around 8 years ago, I made a conscious decision I wanted to move into the leading people space as a fulltime withing and not just as a Dev lead. Then, all the stars aligned, and I became the co-founder/COO of Blockstars Technology. You can find more details about myself here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bloc... https://twitter.com/_Brainscan_ but mostly https://twitter.com/Blockstars_Tech What I do: This is the best part of my life! I get to lead and mentor a team of over 50 great humans doing great things. I often find myself having meetings or guiding the team in tricky situations. I get to solve challenges even before they happen and give all the praise to the team. My favourite part is when I get to sit with our senior leadership group and discuss and come up with what we want our company to be in 3 months, 6 months or 1 year's time. I work with the team regarding strategy, building brand, marketing and sales exactly in that order. The brand is very important when building trust in a "trustless" ecosystem. We are in the emerging tech space - Blockchain and AI. We work on verifying and not trusting. But we understand the real world revolves around trust, and not many people go the extra step to verify. Like how do you know a person truly owns a Lambo or a house they boast about... if only we could verify. Even the banks get it wrong because of trust over verification. We build blockchain solutions and AI solutions. We had been working on AI solutions for 6 years before ChatGPT made it sexy :) ChatGPT definitely helped the industry to grow at a hokeystick rate, which we are thankful for! We do DeFi, NFT, Supply Chain tracking, Web3 Gaming, and Crypto Forensics to track, trace and help recover hidden/stolen crypto. What I believe in: I believe in playing a positive sum game when it comes to my people. No one has to lose for anyone to win... just take less winning and spread the winnings around for the greater good. I took this learning in my young days as a relay team member vs. a 100m sprint athlete. When you finish your 100m sprint, it was pretty much you at the finish line to celebrate... but when you finish as a relay team, you have people around you. The celebrations were a lot more exciting, and 30 years later, we still talk about the team winnings over individual wins. So, hopefully, this sheds some light on who I am and what we do at Blockstars Technology. I would love to hear from anyone who wants to know more about Blockstars and how we can help you :) Cheers, Kosala (also known as Kosy, Kos, K) https://www.linkedin.com/in/bloc... https://twitter.com/Blockstars_Tech www.blockstars.com.au
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