89 day streak... I can't stop now can I?
Ghost Kitty
8 replies
Do we shoot for 200?
Slim Geransar@slimmy82
REI Litics
Of course you do!! Rock on!
Launching soon!
I'm not interested in that variable. It'll reset to zero, and that's fine. If it matches what I logged in, that's fine.
If aiming for 200 days feels motivating and manageable for you, go for it! If you find that it's becoming a burden, consider reassessing your goals and adjusting them to better suit your current circumstances. Remember, the most important thing is to establish habits that contribute to your overall happiness and success.
If you can time travel for 24 hours, you can take a break.
Congratulations on your 89-day streak! That's an impressive commitment. Whether or not to aim for 200 days is ultimately up to you and your personal goals. If you're finding value and satisfaction in maintaining a streak and it's helping you achieve your objectives, then continuing to push yourself can be a positive thing.
Of course you do!! Rock on!
congrats, hopefully get there soon. im at 45