8 habits that will drastically improve your life (not only personal but also professional)

1️⃣ Stay away from people who erode your quality of life. 2️⃣ No more phone, tablet or computer in bed. 3️⃣ Appreciate the here and now. 4️⃣ Get started, even though you might fail. 5️⃣ Get organized. 6️⃣ Do something that reminds you who you are. 7️⃣ Say no. 8️⃣ Stick to realistic goals.


Love this! I also believe our health condition determines how we perform - that includes sleep, the food we eat, the amount of exercise, and how we feel.
Bakemono Fra
Thanks for sharing!!
Peyt Spencer Dewar
9️⃣ Drink water
Morgan Kung
Thanks for sharing!