6 tips for retaining clients

1. Build strong relationships 2. Be a partner, not a vendor 3. GSD – Get Stuff Done (including optimization implementation when needed) 4. Get great results 5. Prove the value of your work 6. Have a robust standard operating procedure


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Customer first mentality
Having clear communications and deliverables is also important because in some cases they ask you to do many things which are not under deliverables
Looks like we gotta be their ride-or-die, do the dirty work (yup, optimization included!), show 'em the money, & have a solid game plan. Let's get those clients, fam😎👌
Stephen Walker
You have a nice list of how to retain clients, I also have my list what you think ? 1. Provide excellent customer service 2. Communicate regularly and proactively 3. Offer personalized solutions 4. Be transparent about pricing and expectations 5. Seek and implement client feedback 6. Reward loyalty with discounts or incentives
Santiago Gutierrez
Great tips! Effective communication and exceeding expectations are key. Also, staying in touch even when not working on a project can help build long-term relationships and increase the likelihood of repeat business.