5 days of 2022 left. What's the last goal you want to achieve?

Luka Vasic
8 replies
As the title says. In the next 5 days, I want to finish my personal knowledge management system, and if the weather is nice I want to go for a 40km bicycle ride.


Tahjia Chapman
Review my commitments to others. Evaluate, replace, or remove any commitments that are draining me.
Nick Mazikov
Our goal is to help at least a few more startups develop and find funding
Fawad akhtar
More feedback and on our app WAAPIS and also more customers.
Shon Paunan
More clients in the last 5 days
Deepak Kumar Prabakaran
I got 392 people on my waitlist! Building Scrollme.today - create a live feed of content you create on Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram, and Dribbble. Wouldn't be nice to finish at 400?
Sherry Xena
Have a special New Year celebration with my husband
Ana Maria Ghita
Launching my new project in 2 days, AI Holiday Cards. I'm really excited!
Angeli Zhao
Marketing, making sure our launch goes smoothly and is successful. Many people are discussing career-related goals, but here's a gentle reminder to put your self-care before anything!