4k Kitty points and counting! 🎉 next goal 10k. What's your tally?

André J
37 replies
And I didn't even get nominated for community member of the year 🤪 How many kitty points do you have. Please let us know down bellow 👇


Well let's hope you'll be nominated next year! Do the kitty points have any practical use? I'm right behind you at 340 points lol :)
@sentry_co @slimmy82 Imagine with kitty points were like airline miles 😀 Exchange your 100,000 kitty points for a free flight ✈️
André J
Launching soon!
@jgani Kitty points show genuine participation. Let's just say all the bots on this website have a hard time gathering kitty points. So it's easy to spot the bots and remove them. For now 😅
@sentry_co agree! Imagine you could use kitty points for stuff. Or they should have a platinum level 5k and a Diamond 10k as badges
@sentry_co Do you report bots?
André J
Launching soon!
@jgani I have a bot for that 😏
Zero. I'm still in my 'early days'. Do you guys know how long an user says as a new member?
André J
Launching soon!
@aaronnotion I dunno. good question. Probably a month or so? its a way to separate out the bots. If there are too many new members that upvote a launch they are disregarded etc. Makes cheating harder etc.
@sentry_co I will look at a profile and if there is no LinkedIn or any social links attached, I generally think they are accounts people create to use to sell upvotes to launches. I wish PD had more of an validating process for signups.
Joha Salinas
@aaronnotion Same here! Wow @sentry_co What are your recommendations to have genuine participation and have kitty points?
André J
Launching soon!
@aaronnotion @johasalinas Speak from your heart, dear to be brave, avoid being politically correct, keep things simple, focus on one thing, always be kind even when roasting 😅. And most importantly don't use cold and generic GPT speak 🙊 We have teflon skin regarding GPT speak at this point. If GPT lingo creeps in, you know its time to switch it up. 🧘
André J
Launching soon!
@slimmy82 IF support took away the bots I'm afraid you and me would be the only ones left 😂
Darrell M. Dengler
Does the kitty points have any practical use?
André J
Launching soon!
@darrellm_dengler You can trade them in for kitty cookies at your local GPT bot dispenser 😜
André, that's an impressive milestone with your 4k Kitty points—well on your way to the 10k mark! I'm currently at [insert your kitty points], but you've set a great benchmark to aim for!
Nuno Reis
That's great! I am almost breaking the 1k Kitty points barrier and getting my golden badge!
André J
Launching soon!
@nuno_ms_reis Your almost there! 🚀
Garen Orchyan
Launching soon!
congrats, almost 2,000
André J
Launching soon!
@orchyan That's a solid number! keep it up 🚀
Sudheer Yerra
That's amazing Andre! I just hit 30 points😅
André J
Launching soon!
@sudheer_yerra That's good. I do wonder how we get them tho. It's a bit of a mystery. I just enjoy hanging out with fellow makers like your self! 😸
Frank Sondors
I don't look at points, but I love the gamification elements of the platform
André J
Launching soon!
@franksondors It's fun, whimsical and non serious. IMO
Alvaro Villalba Perez
<400 points still... working my way up though. Let's do a competition out of this (:
Jamie L
That's an impressive milestone, André! I'm currently on the grind myself, sitting at 2k points and inspired to catch up to you.
your results are inspiring :) keep going!
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Well done, Andre! My next. milestone is 1K, I believe ;)
André J
Launching soon!
@nevemind_com 😸 Get yours!🫰
Rich Watson
coming up on 3k
André J
Launching soon!
@richw Right behind me 😅
Lora Gonzales
Congrats! It's a shame about the nomination, but your contributions are invaluable to the community.
Just singed up today
André J
Launching soon!
@promptg Gotto start somewhere 🚀