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  • 3 Ways To Use VSLs in SaaS Marketing (worth reading trust me)

    Ahmed Yassin
    1 reply
    Hey there, I've been using Product Hunt for a while and recently discovered they have a community similar to Reddit. I'm a big fan of both Reddit and Twitter because I enjoy writing content. Anyway, I wanted to share some ways to utilize VSLs in SaaS sales funnels: 1. Demo Videos: When a prospect has moved beyond the awareness stage in the funnel, we aim to capture their email for two reasons: -To use as a warm lead for sending marketing emails (especially for novices). -To employ targeted ads for this prospect. Once we have their email, we ensure they start seeing us in their: 2. YouTube Ads: YouTube ads are undeniably potent; everyone, from kids to adults, uses YouTube. Crafting a captivating video ad generates the desire to visit the website and share their email. In YouTube ads, we can target a prospect's email address. This ensures that people already familiar with the software see the ad, instead of only cold leads. 3. The third way is to use the VSL as an introduction for the landing page: As @nocode.alex states, most landing pages feature a prominent header with a sales video to drive conversions. Why should we utilize a landing page video? --It compels the prospect to emotionally invest in the product. Posting it on YouTube and hosting it on the website ensures that each --- --view on YouTube contributes to the video's virality. This synergy bolsters your Google Ads campaign. --It substantially improves your SEO; the additional 1-2 minutes viewers spend watching the VSL signals Google's search engine that your website effectively addresses people's problems, resulting in higher rankings for specific keywords. That's the gist of it. Furthermore, as a newcomer, I'm eager to provide value to fellow community members. I'm a devoted SaaS enthusiast and enjoy everything related to it. I wanted to share my learning experiences with others, given that I've dedicated more time to studying and practicing in the software industry than I have with my GF. As a result, I've put together a comprehensive 7,000-word guide based on all my experiences. It's available for free here (you'll also receive educational emails about SaaS marketing). you can access it from this link: https://tally.so/r/meQE9J A big thanks to all the fellow SaaSers here!


    Developer X
    thank you for useful information and share experience 🥳