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  • 20 websites for learning online ๐Ÿ“š

    1. Coursera 2. The Khan Academy 3. EDX 4. Udacity 5. Lynda 6. Audible 7. Google books 8. Wikihow 9. Do it yourself 10. Instructables 11. Let's make robots 12. Wonder how to 13. Ikea hacker 14. Make projects 15. Ted talks 16. How stuff works 17. YouTube 18. Udemy 19. Skillshare 20. Teachable


    Fitore Miftari
    Thanks for the list! I really like this kind of content it's simple easy and helpful. Thanks again <3
    Nguyแป…n Trung
    thank you for the list! I've also purchased some courses on Domestika too.
    Minha Nadeem
    Khan Academy is great! Used it for my SAT.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mahad_kamran ๐Ÿ™ The best way to educate is self-motivation. I have learned that if I want to know something it doesn't matter the source because you are thrilled to search for them.
    Judith Clary
    Thank you for the list.
    Richa Sharma
    Upscale: The Sales Engagement Platform
    Upscale: The Sales Engagement Platform
    Adding on to the list. I've completed a product marketing course from GrowthSchool, and the experience has been 100x better than Udemy and other similar platforms.
    Issac H
    thanks for sharing the list
    Micheal B
    cool, awesome list, thanks
    Amanda Trincher
    Thank you very much for this list. But it is important to understand that very often you need to take exact courses on some kind of tool or software. For example, when I studied Adobe Acrobat and all the nuances of creating secure PDF documents, I used the site https://www.jfl-media.com/eng/ac...
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @amandatrincher Great point. Definitely, if someone wants to be really good at something, he or she could take it more seriously. On the other hand, when people are trying to find themselves, accessible sources are the best way. They do not have to be sorry for spending money on something they later decided on to give up, because they have spent time and that's the most precious commodity.
    รgh Helmut
    Thank you for the list! At the beginning of my career, I also learned a lot through tutorialspoint.com. It's a bit specific to IT, but there are tons of amazing free courses.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @aghhelmut Thank you, รgh, for sharing. It is valuable source and I appreciate you share it with others in community. :-)
    Angeli Zhao
    Flamme AI - The Couples App
    People always underestimate the amount of resources out there on the web. Thank you for sharing!