
As a Senior Product Marketing Lead, I have a diverse background in marketing, including expertise in social media marketing, digital marketing, and personal and corporate branding. I am proficient in several languages, including Spanish, German, Albanian, French, and English. I have a Master's degree in Strategic Communication from Columbia University and a Bachelor's degree in Media Studies and Communication Science from the University of Zurich. In my professional career, I have held positions in the entertainment, sports, and real estate industries, including as a project manager, marketing analyst, and marketing and communications manager. I am passionate about building relationships between people and teams to evolve businesses and connect organizations for higher impact.


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  • Bisko
    Unlock the power of your data with ease
    Mar 2023
  • VP Player
    VP Player
    The Ultimate Video Platform for Quality, Customization & Ease of Use
    Jan 2023
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    Joined Product HuntNovember 28th, 2022