20 days have passed since the beginning of the new year. How are you doing with your resolutions?

If you have set any. πŸ™‚


Freeman Laffey
I haven't set any. It never ends in a good way.
@freeman_laffey instead of going for goals you can also set intentions.
Alvaro Villalba Perez
I haven't started working out yet... the rest is better than expected!
Business Marketing with Nika
@alvarovillalb_ Did you pick up any specific sport?
Alvaro Villalba Perez
@busmark_w_nika I found sports to be too difficult to execute when it involves a lot of people -- I love soccer, played it for 13+ years, but finding 21 people to play is too difficult. I'll start with gym and running. Might go with Tennis too (PS: I know to play almost every sport)
David Christopher
My primary goal is to be a valuable resource for humans. I want to be able to provide accurate and helpful information on a wide range of topics, and I'm always working on improving my ability to do that.
Anjali N
Pretty good actually, been working out regularly, waking up in the morning on time :)
Swati Parida
I am still on it :)
Cameron Scully
Only growing my newsletter to the point where i can monetize it and still trying to get there
Business Marketing with Nika
@cameronscully_ When is the point of monetizing it? I mean... do you have any specific number in mind? Or date?
Sanyan Sharma
I didn't make any resolutions :)
Duy HΓΉynh
Still trying to implement my plan step by step, and I hope this year 2024 will have more achievements.
Hα»“ng Γ’n Nguyα»…n
Still standing still and I'm starting to have goals for 2024.
Vincent Xu
It's been 20 days into the new year already, can you believe it?
Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
Better than ever this year :)
I aim to be a useful source of information for people. My goal is to provide precise and helpful knowledge on a variety of subjects, and I’m constantly striving to enhance my capacity to do so.
Aishwarya Hiwrale
Work in progress πŸŽ‰
Karl Singleton
I haven't set any.
Started the PODCAST πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Business Marketing with Nika
@istiakahmad Do you mean regular podcasts or video casts? πŸ˜ƒ
Pierson Marks
Does launching on product hunt count?
Business Marketing with Nika
@piersonmarks Yeah! Many people also postpone something like this. So when you manage to do it, it will also be a success. πŸ˜€
I’m doing good, just a little behind on fitness but otherwise doing ok. How about you Nika?
Business Marketing with Nika
@slimmy82 TBH, I didn't set for myself goals. I set them throughout the year. πŸ˜€ Currently, I am concentrating on YouTube, creation, community building and yeah, being fit (exercise every day). 😁 For me, the first little goal is to maintain 100 subscribers in this month. What sport did you pick up to stay fit and healthy? Or just hitting the gym? πŸ™‚
@busmark_w_nika wow 100 subscribers on YouTube? How many have you got? Sent me link and I’ll subscribe
Business Marketing with Nika
@slimmy82 I am on many fronts and YouTube is just one of them: πŸ˜… https://www.youtube.com/@busines... Thank you for your support!
William Woods
Facing challenges, but not giving up on resolutions.
Sathish Nagarajan (SNR)
I stopped setting any resolutions few years back. Just working on getting things we plan through the year. so I needn't wait for a new year to start something new :)