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If you have set a strong sales& product value and know how to market it , then your people/ business will come to you and pay for your services ! no matter how you charge as long as they feel that got value for what they pay ( brand/product positioning ) and be clear on your offering !
How did you acquire your first paying customer?
Paul VanZandt
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Too much !!! feeling that it is everyday Monday in my planet for now till the MVP is out .. how about you ?
It's Monday! What are you trying to get done this week? 🚀🚀
Maxwell Davis
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Hi Kapil, not sure which data and which industry you are looking for ? it would be interesting to know more so I can share some insights !
Which country does your largest number of users come from?
Kapil Gadhire
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Hi, Yes # are important in your post, my advise to you and anyone using me is to make it fit and linked to your post as LK algo is trained to connect the dots , if the topic is not linked to your # it wont be boosted !
also, if you want to focus on your post and be relevant with your content to your community , follow LinkedIn Creator where they have a schedule for # and content to be booster...
Are you using Hashtags on Linkedin?
Fabian Maume
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Strongly recommend ! not only I helped on this product but also based on the feedback many clients loved it ! let me know your feedback please !
Which AI writers have you tried and what was your experience?
Saksham Pathak
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Linda, thanks for sharing, very insightful indeed ! and certainly when you have an established client base, you can have a quick feedback and turn a new feature around quickly to accommodate! and to grow your end users based on the existing clients :)
many business struggle because they start from scratch and it is very hard to get:
1/ Beta tester to go through the product / feedback unless...
How we went from 200 to 2000 users in a week! - AMA
Linda Miles
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Depend on your service Saas or app?
if you are trying to reach to audience and generate users, then from community POV, work on targeted niche audience and offer value/ reward to use it.
Growth hacking approach would be to partner with business and community and offer a"win win" deal to support you grow your audience!
One thing, don't commit to several platforms , you will spread thin and...
What marketing channels do you use to attract new users?
Julia Doronina
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Hi Julien , Fab work you have achieved ! well done and keep going and supporting other first time founders and also empower them.
Have you thought in giving back to students ? are you affiliate with any campus ? to help them figure out the next step ?
Hi there 👋 I'm Julien co-founder and CEO at Practice. AMA
Julien Smith
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depend how mature are the marketing team to join this platform !
Is Product Hunt for tech people or Marketing people or both or something else?
Jason Cavness
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Try the tool and check how you can in real time optimise the engagement and the retention of the lead on your website !
it also help you customise your lead journey based on the content she/he liked while on browsing around ! a Tinder for Business :)

Marketing Tool to optimise your funnel and engagement

improve your eCommerce customer journey, boost sales and gather product and customer data in real time.

Marketing Tool to optimise your funnel and engagement

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Fully agree on this one ! we need a panel to discuss this further !
We should categorize software in a different way
Kacper Raubo
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Yasmina ! CMO & Business strategy :)
I help business build their :
Marketing strategy & Implementation
Brand positioning
Business partnership & Alliance
New to the Product Hunt community? Introduce yourself here and say hello!
Sharath Kuruganty
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1-Landing page wordpress / easy to use and easy to work on !
2- Log, I would recommend to check with graphic designer, better to work on something nice and unique than get the google logo and everyone use it somewhere in the world
3-Name, you should have it done internally ( brainstorming sessions which also helps build your missions & values and USP) and tone of voice ..ect!!
I would...
What are your favourite branding tools?
Michael Yagudaev
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If you save 10h per week by automating tasks IN YOUR OFFICE , what would be the tasks you would automate ?

Invite automation in your office

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Join the community of Office Managers, Assets managers ! any one who is looking after a workplace and gathering space, this platform is for you !
Join the transformation now and try the new features such as 3D, remote control of Iot !
Save time, Save money and enjoy your work with

Invite automation in your office