Fabian Maume

Are you using Hashtags on Linkedin?

Hashtags are one of the few ways to reach people outside of your network. Each hashtag has its own news feeds that people can follow. I strongly advise you to include 1 to 3 hashtags per LinkedIn post. PS: I'm hunting a product which can help you with it today.

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Hi, Yes # are important in your post, my advise to you and anyone using me is to make it fit and linked to your post as LK algo is trained to connect the dots , if the topic is not linked to your # it wont be boosted ! also, if you want to focus on your post and be relevant with your content to your community , follow LinkedIn Creator where they have a schedule for # and content to be booster so you have hint/tip to prepare in advance ! Good luck
Vaibhav Taneja
Hashtags are definitely important to reach a niche target audience. So, yes we can use a few hashtags on our posts but I believe stuffing them won't be a great idea, just 3-4 hashtags are more than enough to use on your posts.
Fabian Maume
@vaibhav_taneja LinkedIn will consider that your doing hashtags stuffing if you are trying to use more than 3 per post.
Martina Hackbartt
@vaibhav_taneja @fabian_maume Wow! I didn't know this!
@vaibhav_taneja @fabian_maume I am using up to 3 but just because of posts' visualization Didn't have a clue about this! Very valuable info! Thanks for sharing Fabian! ^_^
Zifa Sadriyeva
@vaibhav_taneja @fabian_maume @martina_hackbartt I didn't either, used more than 4 hashtags because they are necessary. If they do limits like this, it is quite unfair for early stage startups. Is it unlimited with their Premium subscription? Our PayBull income-based pricing software for profit maximisation can actually change the world with this: more companies will provide very low subscription price for pre-revenue and smaller start-ups with more features or for a full version of their SaaS product. Upvote me - Change the world - Contribute to UN SDGs - Subscribe to PayBull on Upcoming products page (via my profile) - Follow me, I will follow you (will try your product also if necessary) - DM me - thank you!
Fabian Maume
@paybull9 to my knowledge being premium doesn't impact the hashtag usage.
Neri Raanani
I vote yes for using hashtags. But: as a marketer, I always start with a quick hashtag research, and create a short list for me to use anytime I post something. I divide the hashtags into different niches in my industry and I always make sure to add the relevant hashtag. I research is for checking how many followers each hashtag has. Most of the times I don't use the most popular hashtags (with millions of followers) because your post can easily get lost. (refresh your list from time to time) Another advice: don't abuse it, use 2-4 hashtags a post - both because of LinkedIn's algorithm and also you want your post to look natural.
Alissa Anne Pagano
@neri_raanani if you'd be willing to share (I struggle with this!!), up to how big of a hashtag do you use / what do you consider too small? Like is hundreds of thousands still too large vs a few thousand?
Neri Raanani
@alissaannepagano Well I guess that depends on the industry you're aiming to reach. For example I want to target UX writers. #uxwriting has 5,256 followers and #userexperience has more than 4.5M followers. The difference is huge but I wouldn't eliminate neither - I would try both, use both, and see where it gets me. After all Marketing is alllll about trying, asessing, trying again, etc.... there's no right or wrong. I hope that helped a bit?
Jacob Hill
@neri_raanani @alissaannepagano Maximum 10k is what we found to be useful. You can read this article for our detailed research https://filtpod.com/linkedin-has...
Sebastian Potcher
Yes. But I usually use more than 3, is it a bad idea?
Fabian Maume
@sebastian_potcher Linkedin can start penalizing you if you include more than 3 hashtags.
Vedran Rasic
@sebastian_potcher @fabian_maume really? Is that official or more like from experience
Fabian Maume
@vedranrasic It based on the experiments from Filt pod: https://filtpod.com/institute/ho...
There are lots of people being penalized then as so many people use more than 3!
Zifa Sadriyeva
@maxwellcdavis Yes, I'd used more than 4 hashtags because they are necessary. If they do limits like this, it is quite unfair for early stage startups. Is it unlimited with their Premium subscription? Our PayBull income-based pricing software for profit maximisation can actually change the world with this: more companies will provide very low subscription price for pre-revenue and smaller start-ups with more features or for a full version of their SaaS product. Upvote me - Change the world - Contribute to UN SDGs - Subscribe to PayBull on Upcoming products page (via my profile) - Follow me, I will follow you (will try your product also if necessary) - DM me - thank you!
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
Yes, however, I first check the hashtags for the number of followers. I've learned from a couple of experts from my network that it's best when the hashtag has more than 10k followers. However, it's not always possible, hence, I try to choose those that are somewhat popular. What I think is a little pointless is including hashtags that have very little or no following. On LinkedIn, it's complicated to look up hashtags and check them for the number of followers, posts, etc. You have to do a LOT of clicking. So when I start analyzing and searching for the most fitting ones, it usually takes a healthy chunk of time.
Fabian Maume
@anna_mandziuk You can try LinkedIn Hashtag, it should save you some time.
Gurpinder Singh
Yes, hashtags are actually helpful to get that reach outside your connections. You should be using mix and match of hashtag related to the topic of your post and industry.
Vanshika Chaturvedi
I have a question related to this: I rarely find people following the majority of hashtags that are used on LinkedIn. So do the hashtags, in any way, influence the algorithm as well?
Fabian Maume
@vanshika_chaturvedi I'm not sure that I understand your question. Are you following some hashtags on Linkedin.
Bertha Kgokong
I definitely use hashtags on LinkedIn, and you are right -- just like twitter and instagram, you do reach a wider audience with them.
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Shabtai Dvir
Absolutely! This is crucial, as it makes the post more visible to a wider audience.
Marina Đurić
Hey, I use # in almost every post on LI, but limit them as you said to 3 max. Before using hashtags, I researched what key # are related to my audience, such as b2b, sales, marketing, etc. Are people posting valuable content that connects with my ICPs, also which # have a decent following so that my post would reach the right people and be relevant.
Nicole Ogloza
Yes. this is actually where a lot of organic growth happened for our product and brining on many users to download our app I use very strategic hashtags and post on stories each day to gain users from hashtags. I wouldn't just use them in posts, I would follow them on there, and then post about your idea in each relevant hashtag!!! Hope this helps..have you had any luck using #'s on Linkedin?
Mike McMinn
Using hashtags while valuable you have to be realistic on expectations. You're not going to increase your reach massively, maybe one or two extra eyeballs at best.
George Ward
Linkedin hashtags are useful for sure. Thanks for the recommending the tool.
Talia Bender
Hi Fabian! I heard you can be penalized on LinkedIn if you use more than three hashtags -- so I typically use super relevant ones only, and at the very bottom of the post, instead of sprinkled throughout the post like one would do on Twitter
Fabian Maume
@taliambender Yes it is better to avoid using more than 3 hashtags. I usually use 1 generic with wide audience and 2 long tails.
Adnyesh Dalpati
The search engine has the feature still but it needs to be relevant to the context else it all fails.
Personally Print3d
yes and important thing is target audience and type of people and user you are targeting
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