Prashasti Pankaj

Prashasti Pankaj

Product Designer in making
26 points
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Prashasti Pankaj
Prashasti Pankaj
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To my partner without either of our devices
Richa Sharma
When you want to escape from everything, where do you go?
Prashasti Pankaj
Prashasti Pankaj
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Notepad but I digitalise it once I organise it…. Notepad makes me slow down and helps me remember things clearly
Antoni Kozelski
✅📓📱Do you use a notepad or do you prefer digital notes and apps?💥
Antoni Kozelski
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Prashasti Pankaj
Prashasti Pankaj
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Congratulations on the launch. It’s going to be a revolutionary for people with very little knowledge of coding✨
Gavaskar Rajagopal
Today is the big day! We're all set to launch @Build Chatbot🚀🎉💥
Gavaskar Rajagopal
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Prashasti Pankaj
Prashasti Pankaj
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100% agreed. Having clients should be the end goal
Business Marketing with Nika
Instagram not to-do list
Business Marketing with Nika
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Prashasti Pankaj
Prashasti Pankaj
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Napping or having ice cold water. Or just taking a shower.
Anthony Santos
What are productivity hacks that help you get out of a creative block?
Anthony Santos
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Prashasti Pankaj
Prashasti Pankaj
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My sleep cycle… it’s at its worst rn.
Anil Matcha
What is the biggest hurdle you are facing currently?