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    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    started a discussion

    Do you pursue the happiness in life?

    When I was a kid I was taught to pursue happiness as life’s ultimate goal. But I feel like this obsession with happiness be leading to more stress, dissatisfaction, and burnout in my life. Should we shift our focus to meaning, purpose, or even accepting discomfort?
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    started a discussion

    Should the Government Have Control Over AI Development?

    With AI becoming more powerful, there’s a growing call for regulation. But should governments control its development, or would this stifle innovation? How do we balance ethical concerns with technological progress?
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    started a discussion

    What happens if your launch is failed.. Can you re-launch the project?

    And does it really matter if the launch is failed? I mean you got your PMF and now at GMT stage. And you got your funds. But still you failed your mission on PH.
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    started a discussion

    Did Mentorship help you in your Startup?

    I heard that Mentorship is crucial. However, never tried myself, i just keep doing my project block by block. I guess learning from others’ mistakes can save you a lot of time and effort, but does it really? How did mentorship shape you project?
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    started a discussion

    Can AI Curate Art as Well as a Human?

    AI can analyze patterns and suggest artworks, but it still lacks the emotional intelligence and deep cultural understanding a human curator brings. As a curator myself, I believe a blend of AI and human insight will offer the most value to collectors.
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    left a comment
    community and the selection of products launching everyday, this really helps me to stay motivated and continue building the product
    Amit Arora
    What do you love the most about ProductHunt? Any features you think that they might add?
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    left a comment
    mostly explaining. i ve got so many ideas and some of them are so chaotic haha
    What are all the biggest challenges for startup founders when managing a team?
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    left a comment
    i'm running 5km with my dog. Trying to transform my corgi to greyhound...
    Vimal Kumar
    What’s Your Favorite Daily Habit for a Productive Morning?
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    started a discussion

    What do you put on the landing page of the project?

    Hello! We are launching our beta version soon. We did the landing page of the project but it it seems to be so complicated... What do you recommend of putting on landing page? How much information do you put and how do you structure? https://mirr.art/
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    started a discussion

    Do you think Virtual Reality redefine our real relationships? In what way?

    Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) are poised to have a transformative impact on how we perceive and engage with the world around us. I don’t think VR will fully replace real-world interactions, but it will supplement them in ways that are hard to predict. There’s something irreplaceable about face-to-face human connection — the warmth of a handshake, the subtle cues in body language, and...
    Katerina Dedyulya
    Katerina Dedyulya
    left a comment
    ENERGY RETROFITTING OF EXISTING BUILDINGS check out Al Bahar Towers in Abu Dhabu
    Miyene Tom
    What's the most exciting new technology or tool you've learnt about recently?.