Henry Chang

Henry Chang

builder / experimenter
16 points
All activity
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
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Hello! Good luck on your journey to the product world! (I was trying to figure out this website too!)
Karl Wang
Hello, newbie here! A developer trying to come to product world :D
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
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Hello Community!
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
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I am building a text to (short)movie service, 8arc.xyz
What are you building? Let's connect!
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
started a discussion

What are some must-have marketing products all startup founders should know about?

What tools do you always use that is budget friendly (free is even better!) and is essential like air and water? I start with Buffer.
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
started a discussion

Question on UI: What is it made it?

For image generator sites like nightcafe.studio and Stability AI's DreamStudio, what programming language did they use to make the UI? And any open source resources? Thanks!
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
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AI as an OS?
Karan M
From Virtual Reality to Block Chain to Generative AI. What will be the next boom in tech space?
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
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WP, because its simple to setup and the many free themes, plugins, and the ability to customize its function with api
Nikola Mrkic
Would you choose WordPress or another platform for easy website implementation?
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
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many successful 1st version products looked like crap, but people love using it XD
George Burmistrov
What comes first: design or usability?
George Burmistrov
Join the discussion
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
started a discussion

An Unofficial Adhoc user's guide for beginners in the Community

I am a few days old user that just got started in the Community. I was surprised PH has a Launch Guide for products but no guide for new users in the Community. So here are some advice and links for absolute newbies like me. Advice: 1. According to PH (Carlos), all discussions and launches go to PH moderation team for final approval before being displayed on the site. 2. So if you create a...
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
started a discussion

Noob on Product Hunt seeking directions...where is the explanation page about points, badges, etc.?

Hi, I just joined the community and is wondering if there's a page about points, badges, etc? And are new users limited to how many times they are allowed to post their PH url? I only posted my PH url in one discussion and when I try to paste it on another, I get "Comment invalid content detected".
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
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Hi Vlad! Congrats on the 10-day streak!
The Super Exclusive 10-Day Streak Club on ProductHunt! Membership Benefits? Oh, They're Real. 🚀
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
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I am wondering too...
I'm new here, how do I acquire points, please?
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
started a discussion

Just launched 8Arc (Text-to-Movie) generator on PH

Hello! First time on PH. I just launched my product 8 Arc - a text-to-movie generator platform (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/8-arc). It's still in its early stage and is more like a early video game cut-scene at this time. Just releasing it first to see your opinions on it. Also, I tried posting my PH url in other discussions, but got error message: "Comment invalid content detected",...
Henry Chang
Henry Chang
left a comment
yes, I am getting this now. I've only posted my PH url on one post.
Daniel Hunt
Error: `invalid content detected` - anyone else seeing this?