Noob on Product Hunt seeking directions...where is the explanation page about points, badges, etc.?

Henry Chang
4 replies
Hi, I just joined the community and is wondering if there's a page about points, badges, etc? And are new users limited to how many times they are allowed to post their PH url? I only posted my PH url in one discussion and when I try to paste it on another, I get "Comment invalid content detected".


Daniel Adams
Hey Henry there are a lot of resources here: On that page I searched badge and got this: Hope it helps
Henry Chang
@raineconor Thank you so much! Looks like PH need to consolidate their info for users in to one guide.
Henry Chang
Advice for newbies: 1. According to PH, all discussions and launches go to PH moderation team for final approval before being displayed on the site. 2. So if you create a topic and it doesn't show up, see #1. LInks Community Guidlines: Medals: Badges: How to gain points: Spamming: General help:
Pam K.
Yup. Got the same. Product Hunt considers Product Hunt links spam. Lol. So now I have resorted to commenting without the link to the launch page. Oddness.