Nurudeen Abdulazeez

Nurudeen Abdulazeez

Co-Founder / Product Designer
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Nurudeen Abdulazeez
Nurudeen Abdulazeez
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Thanks for sharing Cici it’s very insightful
Cici Yu
How did you land your first paying customer?
Nurudeen Abdulazeez
Nurudeen Abdulazeez
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Don’t procrastinate, Just do it! Don’t aim for perfection, it’s a lifetime process
What's the most valuable lesson you've learned this year?
Nurudeen Abdulazeez
Nurudeen Abdulazeez
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How do we provide unlimited payment access to small businesses?

We are working on providing unlimited features for Small businesses, introducing them to new revenue sources.
Nurudeen Abdulazeez
Nurudeen Abdulazeez
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A simple yet elegant features to power your business.
Manom Pay
Manom Pay
The best payment solution for small businesses