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daniel roy
daniel roy
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What make you struggle in design system ?

there are a lot articles, tips or tricks from experts, but the design system is quite dynamic. Each company will have a different treatment of the design system. For example, if i want to try implement design system as product designer it so tough because i'm the single fighter in team, its hard to maintain performance but in other side need to implement design system. Let me know what happen...
daniel roy
daniel roy
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Issue in design workflow ?

What is the common mistake about design teams on your startup / agency / company ?
daniel roy
daniel roy
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Design Ops for Improve Workflow ? Is it Important ?

What kind of workflow/grooming system for a design team that you think is always miss in your company?
daniel roy
daniel roy
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problem that is related to the conflict between two or more people.
Hidayt Rahman
What problems are unlikely to be solved by artificial intelligence?
Hidayt Rahman
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daniel roy
daniel roy
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Don't run away from failure but face it, learn it and be a better person.
Megha Poojari
What is one quote/thought or phrase that has motivated you to strive during failures or hard times?
Megha Poojari
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daniel roy
daniel roy
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Can figma file be a product ?

Currently i'm creating a template in figma and want publish this, can i say this is a product ?
daniel roy
daniel roy
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Tell me about your design team or design framework ?

Currently I'm on creating the design team, and I'm still looking for any feedback or issue.
daniel roy
daniel roy
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I'd read a webtoon (comic web), it is short and easy to end or sometimes i prefer to go culinary.
Might Wilson product
How do you relieve stress when it is very high?
Might Wilson product
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daniel roy
daniel roy
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Where I can find angel investor ? Is it a good way to scale up our product ?

I've been working on many products and some of them failed not because of the product idea but it's about the founder give up early. I believe and already validate the market yes it works, but going to the pitching stage with the VC is something that makes me worried. I have a personal problem that not all people can understand and it very affected my time I can't go anywhere in flexible time...
daniel roy
daniel roy
left a comment give an interesting event for all aspect
Brian Regan
Conferences & Events you're looking forward to in 2023?