Santiago Cerdeira

Would you use employee training and testing software?


Hi everyone, I'm working on a project that aims to help companies track and improve their employees' skills through training and testing. The service would also allow employees to request help and training in specific skills that they want or need to improve. And it would have a clean UI and a nice UX both for employees and trainers. I'm curious to know if business owners would be interested in this type of service and if they would be willing to pay for it. If you're a business owner, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think this type of service would be valuable for your company? Would you be willing to pay for it? Thanks in advance for your feedback!

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daniel roy
Interesting, but lets us think from the business owner's perspective. Most of them will think twice before they pay anything, is it worthed, is it help our company grow, etc and it's our job as the product maker to make sure we can deliver something that - can be tracked ( maybe you can use scoring, grade, etc ) - we can make it look like an "investment" - live consulting I don't know what kind of skill that you offer, but i see most of online course offers a general skill and maybe you can take this as an opportunity to offer an uncommon skill
Santiago Cerdeira
@daniel_roy93 Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm talking about a platform where each company could upload or create their own tasks or challenges for their employees, and when employees complete those tasks, the platform would gather the data and show the company which skills should each employee improve. For example, a tech company could test their front-end developers with challenges about HTML, CSS, JS and React. Then, they could see how each employee performed and with that information they could give to each employee the necessary resources (like videos, blog posts, etc.) to improve that skill. Everything within the same platform / dashboard. It would be a really customizable platform for each business.
daniel roy
@santiago_cerdeira hmm I see, I want to confirm so the task is created by your platform right?
Santiago Cerdeira
@daniel_roy93 No, everything is created by the company so it is 100% customizable. Companies can upload or create their own tasks in the platform, challenge employees and track data, and then upload their own content or link to resources on the web to train the ones who have to improve a certain skill.
Ricci M
@santiago_cerdeira this sounds a lot like some existing products that are already available in the training and assessment realm. One that specifically comes to mind is Intellek Create which I think can be used in the way you describe. Maybe you should check that out.
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