Andrew Cook

Andrew Cook

Solo Developer of Back SEO Mktg Software
103 points
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Andrew Cook
Back SEO Agencies allows Local SEO agencies to generate unlimited reports for their clients and prospects. The reports include: ✅ Organic Search ✅ Grid Map Search ✅ Full Website Audit & Score
Back SEO Agencies
Back SEO Agencies
Local SEO Report Generation for the Thrifty Marketer
Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook
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I'll worry about that after regular mail goes away.
Umar Saleem
Which technology will replace email?
Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook
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makes more sense than hosting a mini product on a website and charging monthly for it imo
Calvin Woo
Poll: Lifetime subscription plans, do they make sense?
Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook
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Dennis Aronov
What's the first thing you want to do this weekend?
Dennis Aronov
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Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook
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I think I need 3 sales to become profitable
Irina Ivashchinenko
Your startup is profitable?
Irina Ivashchinenko
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Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook
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Zane Maum
What's a skill or hobby you've always wanted to learn but haven't had the chance to yet?
Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook
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wherever you want to go. that's kinda the point of a nomadic life
Business Marketing with Nika
What is the best place on the Earth to work for digital nomads?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook
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One day at a time here.... I should probably change that.
Joseph Lee
How far out do you plan your priorities?