What is your best investment? Education, startup, real estate?

Oleg Eltsov
27 replies
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Oleg Eltsov
My best investment is in my first startup. Yes, it did not become a unicorn, but I gained invaluable experience creating and developing a team, sales, and the first complex product. This experience allowed me to move on.
Irina Ivashchinenko
Education! Changed career and very happy with it!
Nick Anisimov
Definitely the first startup. Taught me everything.
Alex Petruchio
Education! Otherwise, I would have worked as a waiter. 😅
Dmitriy Pegov
In my PS5. Now I can relax normally after a working day. 😎
Elizabeth Tishchenko
First startup (it was also my first job) that taught me everything
Isao Fukata
Education for children. But there is absolutely no assurance that they will get better. I have no regrets, though.
Learning (education) by doing, trying things out teaches you valuable lessons that in short term transitions into monetary gains.
I would say yourself = your startup. We launched today so I am eager to believe it.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Education, that is needed to launch a successful startup.
André J
Launching soon!
All of them. equally
Andrew Cook
Always gonna say myself/my products. Primarily through research, but I had to invest in some tools to make it happen. But my answer is always going to be myself.
Education for sure! (and health)
emma walker
I believe that while you are young, the best investment is education and development, then you will be able to earn money and then you can invest in real estate
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Cory Webb
Investment choices can greatly impact our financial future. One avenue that has stood the test of time is investing in precious metals. Throughout history, societies have recognized the value of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. These metals have been used in currency due to their intrinsic value, stability, and universal acceptance. In this post you can read more! Unlike paper money, their worth isn't subject to inflation or economic downturns. While education, startups, and real estate have their merits, the enduring value of precious metals as a long-term investment should not be underestimated.
As we know there are different ways to invest the capital you can choose any of them, first thing you should learn the pros and cons in every field before investing. Also check out my forex funds where can best information about the investing.
Morris Mitch
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