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Arthur Leclercq
Arthur Leclercq
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Tomorrow is the Big Day!

We are finally launching tomorrow! After more than 5 weeks of preparation. With the team we are wondering how many hours we will sleep tomorrow 😅 Make your bets and share your experience!
Arthur Leclercq
Arthur Leclercq
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What would AI add to the social network? What would be the new features?
Simeon Melnikov
Is an AI-driven social network the next big thing?
Simeon Melnikov
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Arthur Leclercq
Arthur Leclercq
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100% Enhancing creativity, at least for now, I don't know what it'll be in 1 or 2 years
Srikar S
AI in Content Creation: Enhancing Creativity or Replacing Human Writers?
Arthur Leclercq
Arthur Leclercq
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The best product you've found on PH

I am testing (really testing everything) one product on PH every day that seems interesting to me, in order to provide a valuable feedback to makers, but also to find less-known app. And you can really find magic apps, here are some products that I am using or keeping an eye on them: - - great app to plan your holidays, you can rent a house (cheaper...
Arthur Leclercq
Arthur Leclercq
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What's the weirdest launch you've seen on PH?

I'll start! Two weeks ago, I was diving into the launches of the day and found someone who launched not a product... but the opening of his physical CBD/Cannabis shop in America if I am not wrong. Of course, nothing wrong with this launch but I am not sure PH is the best place to promote the opening of a physical shop haha
Arthur Leclercq
Arthur Leclercq
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Take a look at Hotjar, pretty nice platform to gather data from your website
Rahul Agarwal
Are you relying solely on Google and Meta for your analytics, or do you have more efficient tools?
Rahul Agarwal
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Arthur Leclercq
Arthur Leclercq
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My bank app 😂😭
Mankaran Ahluwalia
Which app/tool do you hate but still use?
Mankaran Ahluwalia
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Arthur Leclercq
Arthur Leclercq
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Launching on next Tuesday, I'll be able to answer in a week!!!!
Business Marketing with Nika
Product Hunt launches – Overrated or Underrated?
Business Marketing with Nika
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